Kyle Becker - 1001 Reasons Not to vote for Obama
Kyle Becker blogs at RogueGovernment, and can be followed on Twitter as @RogueOperator1. He writes freelance for several publications, including American Thinker, Misfit Politics, and OwntheNarrative, and is a regular commentator on the late night talk shows at OTNN. He holds an M.A. in International Studies and is an advanced PhD. student in Political Science.
Here are some I plucked. Keep in mind not all of the reasons he states are 'SERIOUS' but that doesn't make them less true or of less value. Some are just silly but not dishonest.
Reason 185. Before Obama gave a Labor Day speech, Teamster’s president James Hoffa Jr. said, “President Obama, this is your army. We are ready to march. Let’s take these son of bitches out and give America back to an America where we belong.” Obama later said nothing about the incendiary language.
Reason 188. Obama infamously said of Christian conservatives, “It’s not surprising, then, they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren’t like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations.”
Reason 221. It is a fact that President Obama has added more debt to the United States budget than all other presidents combined.
Reason 236. While selling Obamacare, the president said that the proposal would eliminate half a billion dollars in Medicare waste and fraud. Not only is this impossible, due to the way the figure was based on double-counting, but why would such waste and fraud be allowed to continue regardless of if Obamacare were passed?
Reason 251. The unemployment rate for age 20-24 is officially 14.4%, far above the 8.5% figure used in government statistics.
Reason 295. As the USA Today related, Obama once said, “Ramadan is a celebration of a faith known for great diversity and racial equality.” This is obviously at odds with reality. Not only is Islam itself bigoted against women and homosexuals, Muslims once sold millions of blacks (and whites) into slavery
Reason 301. In August 2009, President Obama exhorts citizens to “snitch” on one another regarding any supposed lies or disinformation regarding Obamacare. His website, “FLAG,” actually led to blog-tracking for information related to the program.
Reason 325. Countless times, Democrats and left-leaning organizations like the NAACP, have denounced Obama’s opponents as “racist.” The president has never sought to correct his party’s obvious tactic to delegitimize valid objections to his policies.
Reason 921. Obama has been touted as one of the smartest presidents ever, with little record to verify it, and without any demonstrable results to prove it
Reason 340. In 2009, Congressman Joe Wilson famously yelled “You lie!” to President Obama, who had just stated that criticism that the healthcare bill would fund medicine for illegal immigrants was false. It turns out that Joe Wilson was right. Medical organizations that receive funding from Obamacare willnot check for immigration status.
That's All I have time for today... More tomorrow.