Have A Ramble, Rant or Rave you want to Share?

Would you like to share?
A Ramble - It can be anything that moved you to want to ramble on about it. A Rave? Noticed something you just want to Rave to others about? Or a Rant? - Well we know what a Rant is.

Email it to me and let me know how you want it signed. I promise not to disclose any more than you wish.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

1001 Reasons to Vote Against Obama - By Kyle Becker

I happened upon this gem today. I am not going to list his 1001 reasons however, I recommend you go to the article and read it yourself. But - I am going to put some of them here to tease you a bit.

Kyle Becker - 1001 Reasons Not to vote for Obama
Kyle Becker blogs at RogueGovernment, and can be followed on Twitter as @RogueOperator1. He writes freelance for several publications, including American Thinker, Misfit Politics, and OwntheNarrative, and is a regular commentator on the late night talk shows at OTNN. He holds an M.A. in International Studies and is an advanced PhD. student in Political Science.

Here are some I plucked. Keep in mind not all of the reasons he states are 'SERIOUS' but that doesn't make them less true or of less value. Some are just silly but not dishonest.

Reason 185. Before Obama gave a Labor Day speech, Teamster’s president James Hoffa Jr. said, “President Obama, this is your army. We are ready to march. Let’s take these son of bitches out and give America back to an America where we belong.” Obama later said nothing about the incendiary language.

Reason 188. Obama infamously said of Christian conservatives, “It’s not surprising, then, they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren’t like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations.”

Reason 221. It is a fact that President Obama has added more debt to the United States budget than all other presidents combined.

Reason 236. While selling Obamacare, the president said that the proposal would eliminate half a billion dollars in Medicare waste and fraud. Not only is this impossible, due to the way the figure was based on double-counting, but why would such waste and fraud be allowed to continue regardless of if Obamacare were passed?

Reason 251. The unemployment rate for age 20-24 is officially 14.4%, far above the 8.5% figure used in government statistics.

Reason 295. As the USA Today related, Obama once said, “Ramadan is a celebration of a faith known for great diversity and racial equality.” This is obviously at odds with reality. Not only is Islam itself bigoted against women and homosexuals, Muslims once sold millions of blacks (and whites) into slavery

Reason 301. In August 2009, President Obama exhorts citizens to “snitch” on one another regarding any supposed lies or disinformation regarding Obamacare. His website, “FLAG,” actually led to blog-tracking for information related to the program.

Reason 325. Countless times, Democrats and left-leaning organizations like the NAACP, have denounced Obama’s opponents as “racist.” The president has never sought to correct his party’s obvious tactic to delegitimize valid objections to his policies.

Reason 921. Obama has been touted as one of the smartest presidents ever, with little record to verify it, and without any demonstrable results to prove it

Reason 340. In 2009, Congressman Joe Wilson famously yelled “You lie!” to President Obama, who had just stated that criticism that the healthcare bill would fund medicine for illegal immigrants was false. It turns out that Joe Wilson was right. Medical organizations that receive funding from Obamacare willnot check for immigration status.

That's All I have time for today... More tomorrow.

Monday, July 23, 2012

I Built This Video. Rave

Bristol Palin together with Business owners across the county demonstrate What THEY Built. Obama, certainly can't claim he ever built anything or created anything other than one of the most destructive presidencies our country has ever had to suffer through. Thank you to Business owners across our country for your efforts. You are what makes our country great. By the People,for The People, of The People. NOT by the government, for the government....

Are You a Racist?

I received an email from a reader that I wanted to share. It is a simple truth. Since Obama started is campaign for the Presidency a huge portion of the American people have been branded Racist for the simple reason they don't agree with Obama's political views. Apparently now in The United States of America you are a racist if you disagree with anything Obama supports. Even if you agree with some of what he has to say but disagree with one thing you are a racist. If you believe that someone who was presented to the American People as "Brilliant" should back that up with his college transcripts. It doesn't matter what it is, if you don't like something about Obama, you are a racist, if you don't agree with him you are a racist. It doesn't even matter if you are black, if you don't agree with Obama, You Are A Racist. Thanks to Aunt Susan from West VA for your letter.
Here is something that is so amazing, the Obama administration can call one of cleanest men to ever run for office a felon, yet we can't talk about the things Obama claimed he did in his own book because if we say anything about his past or how he has run the country in the ground...we'll be called racist! It certainly is a different time in America when you can't talk about a candidate's past or record without fear of being called racist!

Obama's Gaffes. - Rave

Sometimes we just need a little fun.

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Fire Brian Ross. ABC - The Pravda of the United States.

I am in no way surprised it was Brian Ross who wasted no time in turning a tragedy into a travesty of journalism. His history speaks for itself.  There isn't much I can do, I already stopped watching anything on ABC some time ago. So what if a program comes on I want to watch. There are countless ways I can better spend my time then supporting a network that not only allows such people a platform to NOT report news but rather serves as the Propaganda arm for far left liberal agendas. Are they lobbying to become the Pravda of the United States? Apparently so. 

Act to protect Your Second Amendment Rights. Which Ending would you prefer?

The attacks against our Second Amendment are coming "Fast and Furious" (which, I believe was the intent of Fast and Furious.) in the wake of the tragedy in Aurora, CO.

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

Act to protect your constitutional right to keep and bear arms. I have added some links to organizations that are fighting to protect your rights.

1. Second Amendment Foundation
2. Keep And Bear Arms
3. National Rifle Association
4. Citizens Committee For The Right to Keep and Bear Arms

Please feel free to share links of other groups.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Pledge of Allegiance - Rave

As a child I recited this every morning before classes began at school. Other than prayers and the alphabet taught to me by my parents it was the first thing I was schooled to memorize. Yesterday at work I asked some of my co-workers who are mostly under 30 if they could recite the Pledge of Allegiance. I truly wanted to cry when not ONE of them could recite the full 31 words. Two of them had been History majors while at school, one of them was in school and working toward a teaching degree. My God, what is our country coming to and where are we headed? I call this a RAVE because five of the 11 of those I was talking to promised if I printed out the pledge they would memorize it. I call this a Rave because these simple 31 words are part of the reason I grew up loving this amazing Nation, The United States of America. 

"I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."

The Pledge of Allegiance

The Pledge of Allegiance of the United States is an oath of loyalty to the national flag and the republic of the United States of America, originally composed by Francis Bellamy in 1892. The Pledge has been modified four times since then, with the most recent change adding the words "under God" in 1954. Congressional sessions open with the swearing of the Pledge, as do government meetings at local levels, meetings held by the Knights of Columbus, Royal Rangers, Boy Scouts of America, Girl Scouts of the USA, Fraternal Order of Eagles, Freemasons, Toastmasters International and their concordant bodies, other organizations, and many sporting events.
According to the United States Flag Code, the Pledge "should be rendered by standing at attention facing the flag with the right hand over the heart. When not in uniform men should remove any non-religious headdress with their right hand and hold it at the left shoulder, the hand being over the heart. Persons in uniform should remain silent, face the flag, and render the military salute".

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Farm Bill made simple

Obama - "If you’ve got a business -- you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen. " Rant

First, of late, I realize just how angry I have become over the attacks at every level Obama initiates against the American People. I am tired of it. Yet, I do feel better being able to rant a bit. And I know it is a rant. That is why I call them Rants.

Anyway, if you’ve got a business -- you didn’t build that.  Somebody else made that happen. People, were you aware that the tireless efforts you put into building your business or keeping the business your family started successful is not something YOU are responsible for? Someone else made that happen. Someone else put in the 80-100 hour weeks and often more. Someone else didn't take a pay check so that you could pay your bills or employees. Someone else is responsible for the original thought that inspired you to take on the risks that were involved.

Nope, "THE GOVERNMENT" is responsible for your success or even your breaking even. But really let's look at that.

Let's just take his example (which I find ridiculous but let's go with it) THE GOVERNMENT built those roads that led to your success. Okay... let's just pretend that is true. Just who the hell does this man think the government is? Clearly he doesn't see it as President Lincoln stated <i>" this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom -- <b>and that government of the people, by the people, for the people</b>, shall not perish from the earth"</i>

WE are the Government, not some heightened entity that lords over us all and spreads its bounty by some grand largess among us like manna from heaven. 

We built those roads with our citizens sweat and labor paid for by our taxes which came from the people who had and have the gumption to get up everyday and either go to work for someone who did build a business or go to work building their own business. That's who built our roads. Not an individual entity called GOVERNMENT, but the individuals who make up our government. WE paid for this nation, not politicians who have somehow for the most part lost sight that THEY are OF the people not apart from the people standing on the side on some higher plan.

The current success of business owners is due to THEIR efforts and if in fact their efforts are smoothed by the existence of roads and highways, THOSE were built by others who took risks and created businesses and paid taxes to facilitate the building of roads and highways.

At the end of the day WE who work and pay taxes PAY for the infrastructural efforts put forth as well as paying for the protection of our communities, cities, states and government with our taxes... And I can tell you the way those who are PAID to put into effect what our taxes pay for are handling things.. We are NOT getting our moneys worth.

 So, I celebrate each and every one of you who build a business that then hires people like me who haven't taken that risk. I celebrate your contribution to our nation and I thank you for your service and admire YOUR efforts.

Small end note which I am sure will become another rant.  Seemingly your efforts at success and your hard work are not something you can take credit for BUT, those people who are on welfare can take credit for their 'work' which consists of journaling,(does this mean if your sit on your ass all day and collect welfare but twitter and facebook you are now working?)and reading self help books is now also work, as well as dieting, and.... well the list goes on and on and yes that will be a new rant.. BUT the efforts of those that bleed and sweat to build businesses can't take credit for that. I suppose those who sit on their ass and collect welfare are responsible for that because they work.

Obama just keeps getting more pathetic. Using a Comic book derived Movie against Romney? Rant

I am torn between being incredibly saddened to think that the person residing in the Oval office is sinking to the level where he and his campaign are sinking so low on EVERY level that they are grasping at using a movie that was derived from a comic book to attack his opponent. Bane, Bain? Oh good grief what has our country come to that it even seems like a 'smart' concept to portray your opponent as a character from a comic book? Am I in some comic book fantasy land where the office of the president is truly using this as a campaign concept? Why not just have Obama leap into a pair of tights and a cape and jury rig Marine one to look like the BatCopter and go flitting about the country poking out a well padded chest and saying "Have No Fear BatBama is Here". Can that be more ridiculous than this current attempt to distract from his villainous attack on our countries freedoms and pillaging of our countries finances without any repercussions? If we are going to go the good guy and the villain scenario, Obama wins Villain role hands down. Let's look at some of his qualifications that are typically assigned to the villain. Additionally, while I don't assert that this list won't have silly additions, I do asset it to be factual. 1. He eats dogs. 2. He is a proven liar. () 3. He associates with criminals and terrorists, some are his best friends. Oh well, feel free to add to the list. I was getting so disgusted I had to stop. Bottom line the man has no moral boundaries and certainly no ethical limitations and more than that he is not only embarrassed by our Great country he is an embarrassment and his political campaign antics reflect he will do anything BUT run on his record.

Monday, July 16, 2012

Thursday, July 12, 2012

AFP PODCAST & INTERVIEW: Bank of America Assaults Second Amendment

AFP PODCAST Kelly McMillan, director of operations for Phoenix, Arizona-based family firearms manufacturer McMillan Group International, discusses how and why Bank of America decided to drop his company as a customer, the outpouring of support he’s received from across the globe, and the threat this action poses to the Second Amendment, in this informative interview (25:07) AFP PODCAST & INTERVIEW: Bank of America Assaults Second Amendment

Bank of America Assaults Second Amendment 

• Banking giant refuses to maintain, open accounts for gun makers
By Pat Shannan
Not only has the megabank Bank of America (BofA) ceased opening new accounts for manufacturers and retailers of firearms, but also it is now closing accounts held by gun makers and dealers already on its books. While refusing to speak publicly about it, some bank officers have conceded privately that the change is merely for “political correctness.”
Kelly McMillan, director of operations of a family firearms conglomerate founded in Phoenix by his father more than a quarter-century ago, got a visit in May from BofA’s branch manager and senior vice president Ray Fox. The appointment was for a supposed “account analysis” meeting to evaluate the two lines of credit McMillan Group has had with the bank for 12 years. McMillan Firearms and McMillan Fiberglass Stocks combine for just under $10M a year.
According to McMillan, the banker spent an uncomfortable five minutes talking about how McMillan has changed in recent years in that it has become more of a firearms manufacturer than a supplier of accessories.
Realizing that the purported reason for the appointment was a ruse, McMillan abruptly said: “Can I save you some time so that you don’t waste your breath? What you are going to tell me is that because we are in the firearms manufacturing business you no longer want our business. Right?”
“That is correct,” said Fox.
“So you are telling me this is a politically motivated decision, is that right?” inquired McMillan.
Fox confirmed that it was.
McMillan replied that they would be moving their accounts as soon as possible “to a Second Amendment-friendly bank that will be glad to have our business.” Then he went on the Internet to announce the disturbing ramifications of such a banking decision in this nation.
“I think it is important for all Americans to know when a business does not support the Bill of Rights,” McMillan told AFP. “What anyone does with this knowledge is up to them, but we can no longer support such unconstitutional behavior.”
Pointing out that this sort of game can be played by both sides, he added, “We are no longer accepting BofA credit cards.”
This is not an isolated case. Terry Benjamin is a retired police officer who owns a small gun shop in north Texas. He opened a business account with BofA and was guaranteed they could beat his current credit card processing fees. But when they saw his completed application and realized his was a gun shop, they refused to honor their previous offer and canceled his credit card. He now accepts all bankcards except BofA.
Outraged by such behavior in the marketplace, Atlanta consumer advocate and radio host Clark Howard urged his national audience to withdraw their funds and boycott BofA. Clark later announced that the withdrawn amount reported back to him totaled $50M.
Pat Shannan is a contributing editor of American Free Press. He is also the author of several videos and books including One in a Million: An IRS TravestyI Rode With Tupper and Everything They* Ever Told Me Was a Lie. All are available from FIRST AMENDMENT BOOKS. Call 1-888-699-6397 toll free to charge.

Regan vs Obama - Social Economics. Rave

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Gun Control and Women. Which Woman would you rather be? Rant

Women And Guns. Your Right to protect yourself is under attack. I can tell you which woman liberals would rather have you be. The dead woman. No question about that. They are working tirelessly to strip us of our 2nd Amendment rights. Do you really think the seed of thought for Fast and Furious was to somehow prevent guns from getting into Mexico? No, it was to substantiate the Liberals lies that 90 percent of guns used in violence in Mexico came from America. That was an outright lie and when that lie was exposed what happened next? Obama's administration via the Justice department shipped guns to Mexico. 100's of Mexican's lives were lost so that they could prove a point and thereby work against the 2nd amendment. Stand your ground is being attacked to the point where liberals in congress are threatening to reduce states funding of grants by 20% if they have stand your ground type laws on the books. So they would punish law enforcement? Not sure which woman you would rather be, the dead one or the survivor? Alright which would you rather your daughter be? Right now efforts to strip your rights are massive and the attacks aren't on just 'one little area' there is a blitzkrieg of attempts to strip American Citizens of their right to keep and bear arms. There are many places on the web you can go to educate yourself on these matters. Here are a few links to get you started. The Common Sense Gun Lobby. Citizens Committee for the right to keep and bear arms. The Second Amendment Foundation Women & Guns Magazine Website Those should get your started. The reason I am not citing all of the information is I truly believe that when a person takes the time to research an issue they are more likely to grasp the depth and nuances of it in a much deeper way than if I just rant at you about it.
Seek Knowledge. Women have Rights that liberals will never fight for if it doesn't serve their own agenda. Never think the liberals have your best interests at heart. YOU are the most likely person to protect your interests.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Constitution 101: The Meaning and History of the U.S. Constitution - Hillsdale College. Rave

Constitution 101: The Meaning and History of the U.S. Constitution - Hillsdale College

No student loans involved. I just signed up for this course. We always think we know more about something than we actually do. In these times of attacks from within the Whitehouse against our Constitution I thought it would be a good idea to educate myself more fully.  This Free course is an excellent way for us to arm ourselves with knowledge so we can recognize who is and isn't protecting our constitution.

If you decide to take the course let me know. Perhaps we can start a discussion group.

God Bless America

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Entitlements are not rights..

I fail to understand how liberals ever came to the thought and belief that those that work hard to accomplish something, to contribute by producing results are somehow responsible for the care and feeding of those that do nothing but suck up resources yet never produce anything.

President at the Bat - A Rave

I so love this Video.

President at the Bat

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Why does Eric Holder feel Minorities are incapable of responsible behavior? - Rant

I am perplexed. I freely admit to being incapable of certain things. One example is I am incapable of ciphering why Eric Holder and so many democrats can get away with suggesting that certain minorities are somehow inferior and incapable of obtaining a picture id. If someone, anyone suggested that women in general were too dim to be able to navigate their local DMV for a picture i.d. and therefore would lose their right to vote everyone would be up in arms. However, he can say with impunity that minorities (the mystery of just which minorities hasn't been directly stated but we know he means blacks and Hispanic.) are somehow less capable than the rest of the citizens of America.

Hello you incapable minorities, you are less than the rest of us because somehow you are not capable of doing what almost every sixteen year old is capable of accomplishing. You are not capable of obtaining a picture i.d. and therefore your right to vote is being attacked.

Excuse me? I am personally insulted that somehow my black friends are being held up to the world as too stupid, or lazy, or inferior to acquire a picture i.d.  Oh, wait, we just mean poor people you say? Well, buddy I was pretty damn poor at 16 but I managed to get my learners permit and then a drivers licence. I was also pretty stupid at 16 too and I still managed it. But somehow 'minorities and poor people' just can't accomplish this?

Well, let's look at Florida where so much hoopla is being raised over voter i.d. laws. To obtain food stamps in Florida one must present a photo i.d.. So clearly the poor people manage to accomplish this incredibly difficult task.  So the poor are not too stupid to acquire a photo i.d.. Surely some blacks are poor, so poor blacks are capable of acquiring a photo i.d..

So just who is it that doesn't value their right to vote enough to acquire a photo i.d.? Which group of American Citizens doesn't care enough about their right to vote to take this small step that every 16 year old seems capable of to assure that their vote counts. To assure that their vote isn't being stolen. To assure that illegals and Felons and anyone else barred from voting in our AMERICAN elections doesn't diminish their own votes.

Why is it that Eric Holder and so many other democrats don't believe that certain American Citizens CARE about voting enough to make the small effort it takes to acquire a photo i.d.?

Why do they think minorities are somehow inferior and incapable of doing what the rest of us do without blinking.

And just one more thing.  In every State I am aware of you can also register to vote when you apply for a drivers license. Wouldn't that help our election process?

Again, I am perplexed why minorities, whoever they are, don't SHOUT back at these people who think they are less capable than the rest of us. "We are NOT too stupid or Lazy to protect our vote,"

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Pain Before Beauty - Ramble

Pain before Beauty

In our early years, pain is limited to our personal experience; beauty is illuminated for us by what we are taught is beautiful. Our parents’ concept of beauty becomes our own until we journey further though life discovering for ourselves new perceptions.

My early perceptions of pain and beauty were gathered and learned by watching my mother dress. A wince as she plucked a few errant brow hairs, the apparent torture as she squeezed into a girdle, her shoes too tight yet they perfectly created the illusion of delicate feet. Time and again I asked, “Why do you do all of that if it hurts?” Her answer was always the same, “Pain before beauty”.

Even now, over the span of decades, her personal mantra, “Pain before beauty”, still echoes. To me, my mother was beauty. Her auburn hair glimmered gold when the sun touched it, ivory skin so soft when our cheeks touched I thought of velvet, lips full and painted red, and a waist so small that her full skirts and petticoats seemed to exist just to cling to it. The scent of Shalimar lingered to guard me as she moved to leave, her silks and satins playing a symphony.

As I watched the theater of my mother my perceptions of pain and beauty were simple; beauty was my mother and pain part of the quest for beauty, or perhaps just a scraped knee. Life visits itself upon me and pain no longer is as simple as a scraped knee or even a plucked brow.

Pain now encompasses heartache, betrayal, the suffering of those I love, lost innocence and the loss of faith. Beauty is a face that wrinkles with a smile, a mother nursing her child, courage in the eyes of a veteran, laughter, the innocence of a playing child, and unwavering faith. “Pain before beauty” became to me the mantra of a vain woman.

Ten years of fighting cancer left my mother little reason for vanity. Faith replaced vanity. Her mantra became the Hail Mary; instead of pearls she wore scapulars and clutched a rosary as she once clutched an evening bag. Her cheeks were now ashen and lined from pain, hair merely faded tufts clinging to her scalp, lips cracked and dry. The scent was of medicine; the symphony not of silk against satin but the drip of the IV against the faltering ping of her life monitor.

At the end, we waited as she lay in a coma; her eyes opened and looking past us at once focused on the crucifix on the far wall. The joy was complete; she saw what we could not, save through her eyes. She was not afraid; she smiled and nodded as if in answer to a question and then, in a moment of rapture her soul departed, leaving the smile upon her face.

Now, I realized that with faith she had a different beauty, and I truly understood - “Pain before beauty.”

“Pain before beauty” was no longer a vain woman’s mantra to me, but a courageous woman’s epitaph.